15日  2月  2007年
MBC Resources enter into the structure of METROPOL Group that became the head company of specialized ore holding

"We wish to create the world's largest company on mining and processing of polymetallic ores. It will be the public company owning deposits in Russia and abroad", - said the President of MBC Resources Michael Slipenchuk. In the plans of the company attraction of the largest strategic investors in the project.
For realization of these purposes Roland Berger Strategy Consultants received the order for the development of the company developing strategy and preparation pf the business-plan on developing of lead and zinc actives of MBC Resources. Road Show programs is preliminary planned for June, 2007. The Chapter of the Moscow representation of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Dr. Uve Kumm noted that his company was very glad to cooperation with Metropol Group.
He also declared: "In the nowadays situation on the market and proceeding from forecasts on development of the markets, we consider the project on creation of MBC Resources to be perspective. METROPOL possesses licenses for development of the largest deposits of zinc and lead and it exists the significant deficiency and a great demand on these metals in the world. In our opinion, projects on construction of new factories in Russia are very attractive to foreign investors".
O.V. Mihajlenko became the General Director of MBC Resources, the post of the technical director was occupied by A.K. Tursunov. Corporation “Metals of Eastern Siberia” became the operating company on programs in Russia of MBC Recourses.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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