03日  2月  2011年
METROPOL Group of Companies Presents Youth of Buryatia Memorial to Ulan-Ude

On the first day of the main traditional Buryat holiday Sagaalgan – New Year according to the moon calendar – in the capital of Buryatia Ulan-Ude an unveiling of the Youth of Buryatia memorial, presented to the city by METROPOL Group of Companies, took place.

The ceremony took place in the framework of celebration of the 350 anniversary of Buryatia’s voluntary joining Russia. The opening of the sculpture by the Buryat sculptor Alexander Mironov was attended by President Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, Mayor of Ulan-Ude Gennady Aidaev, and other representatives of local authorities. METROPOL Group of Companies CEO Mikhail Slipenchuk also took part in the ceremony.

- We hope that Buryatia, as a member of Russia, will continue to strengthen and develop. This is why we can only welcome the initiatives of the Russian business aimed at the robust development of our region, - Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn said at the opening of the memorial.

- It is symbolic that the opening of the Youth of Buryatia memorial has concurred with the 350 anniversary of Buryatia's joining Russia, - said METROPOL Group of Companies CEO Mikhail Slipenchuk at the ceremony. – This date should become the beginning of rapid prosperity of the republic. Buryatia has a great potential and we, as representatives of Russian business community, will assist in any way in its development for general welfare.

5-meter sculpture of a young Buryat man on a horse with falcon on his arm made out of grey granite has decorated the lively square of Ulan-Ude at the intersection of Borsoeva and Smolina streets. - The sculpture personifies youth, glorious and kind deeds, this is a symbol of the bond between generations, aspiration to grow up and move forward, - said its author sculptor Mironov, who had been working on the monument for several years. – It seems to me that any citizen of Buryatia will recognize himself, his desires and dreams in this vigorous and strong sculpture, - said Mikhail Slipenchuk.

The swiftness of Buryatia’s growth is apparently symbolized by the falcon, which is known to be the fastest bird in the world.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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