09日  9月  2008年
Delegation of METROPOL Group headed by M. V. Slipenchuk is taking part the in the 5th Baikal Economic Forum in Irkutsk

The 5th Baikal Economic Forum, which is entitled Europe – Russia – Asia-Pacific Region: Ways of Integration and Cooperation, started in the city of Irkutsk on September 9. The Forum was organized by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Irkutsk Oblast Administration, with additional support provided by the Government of the Russian Federation. METROPOL Group of Companies is the principal partner of the Forum.
More than 1,500 people, including 17 international delegations, will take part in the 5th Baikal Economic Forum. The Forum’s plenary sessions and roundtables will include speeches by Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Chairman S. M. Mironov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation I. I. Shuvalov, Economic Development of the Russian Federation Minister E. S. Nabiullina, Transport of the Russian Federation Minister I. E. Levitin, the Prime Minister of Mongolia Sanj Bayar, and the heads of the world’s largest companies, including Gazprom, RUSAL, Russian Railways JSC, Nokia and others.
The Europe – Russia – Asia-Pacific Region: Ways of Integration and Cooperation in the Energy Sphere International Conference, as well as 10 accompanying roundtables, will be held within the Forum’s frameworks on September 10. METROPOL Group of Companies is acting as the sponsor of a roundtable entitled: Problems Concerning Lake Baikal Protection and Regional Natural Resource Management of the Baikal Nature Area; Legal State Mechanisms Enabling the Creation of Economic Zones Devoted to Tourism and Recreation.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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