03日  8月  2008年
Head of METROPOL Group, President of the Guardianship Board of the Fund for protection of Lake Baikal M. Slipenchuk took part in the ceremony to award the winners of the International yachting regatta on Lake Baikal “Windswept”

On August 3 the International yachting regatta on Lake Baikal “Windswept” finished in the port of Turka (Republic of Buryatia). The organizer and the title partner of the regatta was the Fund for protection of Lake Baikal, which provided the prize fund for the event. The yachting regatta on Baikal was held in the framework of III International conference “Priorities and peculiarities of development of the Baikal region” with the support of the Sailing Sport Federation of Irkutsk region and Charity foundation for the support of Navy “Cruiser “Varyag”.
17 yachts from Russia, Great Britain, Germany, France and Japan took part in the “Windswept” regatta.
The regatta began on July 30 in the settlement of Listvyanka (Irkutsk region). The first stage of the race ended near the Olkhon Island. After 154 miles across Baikal the yachts U-turned at the village of Tankhoi and headed to the southern end of Olkhon. The second state of the race began on August 2. Participants had to sail 52 miles from Zagli Bay to Khoboi Cape (northern point of Olkhon Island) and to Turka port. By that moment seven yachts had withdrawn from the race, as the storm in the lake damaged some boats and tore some sails apart. On the night from August 2 to 3 the yachts used the tail-wind and arrived in the port of Turka several hours before schedule.
The gala ceremony to award the winners of the International sailing regatta of cruising yachts “Seven Winds” was held on August 3 in the framework of celebrations of Baikal Day in the settlement of Gremyachinsk in Pribaikalsky district of the Republic of Buryatia. During the ceremony all finalist yachts lined up in front of Gremyachinsk. The results of the race were announced to a multi-thousand audience. Head of METROPOL Group and President of the Guardianship Board of the Fund for protection of Lake Baikal, President of the Charity foundation for the support of Navy “Cruiser “Varyag” M. Slipenchuk awarded the winners of the International yachting regatta on Lake Baikal “Windswept” with monetary prizes from the one-million ruble prize fund, which was unprecedented for Baikal regattas. The winners also received special cups.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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