20日  5月  2010年
Shanghai sees OMPP

A delegation from the MBC Corporation has successfully wrapped up its work at Mining and Asia Focus 2010, a major industrial investment conference held on May 11-14 in Shanghai.

As it was previously reported, the company’s Deputy General Director S.N. Garichev and Deputy Technical Director A.V. Perfiliev met with a number of potential partners and co-investors. The most important meetings were held with the Chinese companies Metallurgical Corp of China (MCC) and China Railway Materials Commercial Corp. The participants discussed the details of possible cooperation in the construction of the mining and processing plant on the Ozerny deposit in the Buryat Republic in the Russian Federation.

The negotiations with the representatives of MCC touched upon technological issues related to ore enrichment and the Chinese corporation’s factories’ requirements with regard to the zinc and lead concentrates. The parties also talked about the preparations for the previously agreed-upon visit of a working group from MCC to MBC’s Moscow office and the industrial site of the Ozerny Mining Processing Plant (OMPP) in Buryatia.

The topics of the meeting with China Railway Materials Commercial Corp were the participation of the Chinese company in the construction of a railway and automobile road to the industrial area of the OMPP; possible co-financing of this construction as well as vehicles deliveries; and transport management.

The upshot of the meeting was that the parties agreed to continue working together to prepare draft proposals to be sent to MBC Corporation.

An important part of the Shanghai conference’s work was a speech by S.N. Garichev on the already made progress and plans for the construction of the ore processing plant at the Ozerny deposit.

We remind you that the JORC indicated resource of the deposit is 157 million tons of ore, with zinc content equal to 5.2% and lead content 1%.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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