15日  3月  2007年
Investment financial company Metropol (Cyprus) Ltd., part of METROPOL Group of companies, started to carry out an operational activity

On November, 15th, 2006 Metropol (Cyprus) Ltd. has received the license of the Cyprian professional participant under No.076/06, given out by the Cyprian Commission on securities and stock exchanges. The given license entitles to carry out all kinds of activity with both basic and accompanying services, with all kinds of financial tools according to the law on investment firms 148 (I) from 2002
The services of the company are brokering, dealer, depository activity, activity on confidential management. Now Metropol (Cyprus) Ltd. is the only professional participant on Cyprus, possessing the license of such a level. The received license allows Metropol (Cyprus) Ltd. to work in the foreign markets of the capital and to give a wide spectrum of services to the clients.
Creation of company Metropol (Cyprus) Ltd. and reception of the license of the Cyprian professional participant became the important step on the way of strengthening of investment business of METROPOL. The developing strategy of the company is directed on attraction of the large foreign clients focused basically on the investment into the share market of the Russian Federation and on work with derivative tools on the action of the Russian emitters. In the nearest future the company plans to receive European passport for the entry of the company on LSE.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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The METROPOL Group of Companies
Licensies: № 077-06136-100000, № 077-06159-010000, № 077-06168-001000 from 26 august 2003 year, № 077-06194-000100 from 02 september 2003 year, № 650 from 16 april 2004 year, № 3185 from 25 november 1999 year, № 21-000-1-00119 from 23 may 2003 year, № 077-07215-001000 from 9 december 2003 year