24日  12月  2007年
The basic parameters of the agreement of selling the shares of TGK-11 (Territorial Generating Company No 11) whose financial adviser is IFC METROPOL were approved

The extraordinary general shareholders meeting of TGK-11, that was held on December 10, 2007, approved of additional issue of company shares in the volume of 181 billion shares of nominal value 0.01 roubles.
Due to the additional issue TGK-11 expects to raise up to 8 billion roubles which are planned to assign for financing of investment projects of reconstruction of Omsk thermal power station-3 and construction of Omsk thermal power station-6.
Contemporaneously with the additional issue of shares RAO UES of Russia put up for sale its stock of ordinary shares of TGK-11. 148.226.806.102,00 shares belonging to TGK-11 of nominal value 0,01 roubles each were offered to the market.
The block of shares offered to the investors amounts up to 41 % of the company’s new charter capital depending on the placement price and realization of the preemption right.
IFC METROPOL and ZAO Raiffeisenbank are appointed as financial advisers for monitoring of additional issue of shares of TGK-11. IFC METROPOL will also act as the agent for realization of the stock of ordinary shares of OAO TGK-11 belonging to RAO UES of Russia.

The company TGK-11 was formed on the basis of generating assets of Tomskenergo and Omskenergo. TGK-11 has terminated all legal and corporative procedures for the consolidation of the assets by November 1, 2007.
The basic activity of TGK-11 is production of electric and heat energy as well as realization of heat (steam and hot water) to consumers. The Company branches are situated in the city of Omsk and city of Tomsk. The company owns 4 thermal power stations, 1 state district power station (the city of Tomsk), 2 boiler-houses, a heating system enterprise. The total installed electric capacity of the enterprises operated by OAO TGK-11 - 2 026 MW; the total heat power – 8.241,00 Gcal, the total thermal-transmission distance - 806 km.



The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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