28日  6月  2011年
IFC METROPOL acted as a leading co-organizer in the issue of bonds by Enel OGK-5

IFC METROPOL acted as a leading co-organizer of the issue of bonds of БО-18 series by Enel OGK-5 OJSC for the amount of 5 billion rubles  which was successfully completed on June, 27th 2011.

In the course of the issue 30 applications for the total of 10,4 billion rubles were submitted at nominal value whereas the coupon rate varied from 7 to 7,5% a year. Following the results of the issue, the coupon rate was set at 7,1% a year; it was decided to accept 23 applications from the investors. The stock bonds have been included in the “A1” quotation list of the Moscow inter-bank currency stock exchange. The securities have been issued in order to ensure refinancing of the bonds that are to be paid in September 2011.

Organizers: IC Troika Dialog CJSC. Leading co-organizer: IFC Metropol.                                                      Co-organizer: UniCredit Bank CJSC.

OGK-5 OJSC was registered in Ekaterinburg on October, 27th 2004. On July, 7th 2009 by the decision of the annual general shareholders meeting the company was renamed Enal OGK-5 OJSC. The industrial branches of Enel OGK-5 OJSC are Konakovskaya SDPP, Nevinnomysskaya SDPP, Sredneuralskaya SDPP and Reftinskaya SDPP. The total installed power of the power plants comprising the Company are 8672 MW with regard to power generation and 2242 Gcal/h with regard to heat generation. The registered capital of Enel OGK-5 OJSC equals 35, 371, 898, 370 rubles and is divided into ordinary shares of 1 ruble nominal value.

The share of the Federal agency for state property management in the registered capital of the company is 26,43%, the share of Enel Investment Holding B.V. is 55,86%, the share of minor shareholders is 17,71%. The shares of Enel Investment Holding B.V. have been included in the “A1” quotation lists of the Moscow inter-bank currency stock exchange and “A2” list of the RTS stock exchange.

The investment and finance company METROPOL was founded in 1995. It conducts brokerage, renders services of facilitating transactions related to reorganization, buying and selling, crisis management of companies, procurement of debt and registered capital, assets realization as well as financial and corporate consulting. The company performs IPO and SPO as well as offering of private share holdings. The National Rating Agency has given IFC METROPOL the AAA individual reliability rating (which corresponds to the maximal reliability possible). 


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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