05日  9月  2009年
Acting on behalf of the company, Head of METROPOL Group of companies M. V. Slipenchuk donated the collection of rare automobiles from the museum of the Moskvich car factory to the City of Moscow

On September 5, 2009, the Moscow Museum of Antique Automobiles (9/2 Rogozhsky Val St.) hosted the ceremonial donation to the City of Moscow of the former Moskvich JSC plant’s museum collection of automobiles.
The ceremony was attended by First Deputy Moscow Mayor P. P. Biryukov, the Head of the Moscow Mayor’s Office Department of Operations and Administration S. I. Veselovsky, the Head of the Moscow City Department of Science and Industrial Policy E. A. Panteleyev, Metropol Development LLC Director General O. O. Korol, Director of Museum of Antique Automobiles D. Yu. Oktyabrsky, and members of the regional and Moscow media.  The welcoming addresses were followed by the signature of the collection’s transfer an acceptance certificate.
METROPOL Asset Management won the auction sale of a part of Moskvich JSC property that included the antique automobiles collection in 2006.  The automobiles have since been stored in the Leninsky Komsomol Automobile Plant (AZLK) museum.  The new owner arranged the museum’s upkeep at a worthy level and ensured that the exhibits were technically maintained and are in a good condition.
The collection includes 22 automobiles, 15 prototype models and eight engines.  The most valuable pieces of the exhibition include a 1932 Ford Model A, a 1935 Gaz-AA, a 1954 Moskvich 400/420, and other models.  It is hard to overestimate the historical value this unique collection holds.  Above all things, it represents a blazing part of the history of Russia’s entire automobile industry.  Many of the collection’s exhibits are one-of-a-kind.  Of special interest are the collection’s trolley car models and special-purpose automobiles.  Foreign collectors have repeatedly expressed interest in obtaining either individual automobiles or the entire collection.  Now, the collection has found its final owner.  According to a Moscow City Government executive order, the exposition will be put up in the Museum of Antique Automobiles.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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