17日  10月  2011年
M.Slipenchuk, Head of METROPOL Group, was appointed the Acting Head of the Chair of Environmental Management, Department of Geography, the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Mikhail Slipenchuk, head of METROPOL Group and professor of the Department of Geography at the Moscow State University named after M.Lomonosov was appointed the Acting Head of the Chair of Environmental Management.
M.Slipenchuk graduated from the Chair of Environmental Management in 1987. In 1993 he completed a post-graduate course in the Department of Geography of the Moscow State University named after M.Lomonosov and defended a thesis entitled “Specific features of aerotechnogenic pollutants accumulation in urban environment ” and received a Candidate of Sciences (Geography) degree .
In 2010 M.Slipenchuk was awarded the degree of a Doctor of economic sciences (thesis topic was «Integration of Russia’s new economic space: global, corporate and regional aspects”).
METROPOL Group closely collaborates with the Department of Geography of the Moscow State University named after M.Lomonosov. It rendered organizational and financial assistance for the organization of expeditions and field internships for the students, publishing of scientific works of the faculty personnel, carried out technical re-equipment and repair of lecture rooms and scientific bases.
METROPOL Group together with the Department of Geography of the Moscow State University named after M.Lomonosov implemented the following projects and held the following actions:
• Publishing of collected scientific works of the members of the Department of Geography of the Moscow State University named after M.Lomonosov, timed to coincide  with the 250-the anniversary of the University (2005);
• Organization of educational experiment “Geography. Third dimension” at the scientific research facility of the Department of Geography in Satino (2006);
• Organization of solemn events dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of the Department of Geography of the Moscow State University named after M.Lomonosov (2008);
• Presentation of “The Unknown Heyerdahl” in the Department of Geography (2008);
• Publishing of fundamental work “History of geography at the Moscow university: events and people” by professor Y.G. Simonov; publishing of monograph “Scientific school of geography in Moscow university” (2008);
• Lectures by M.Slipenchuk  for the students of the Department of Geography about “The Worlds” at the Baikal Lake” and “Antarctica 2009”   expeditions;
• Organization of summer field internship for the students of the Department of Geography at northern parts of the Baikal Lake (2009);
• Repairs and   refurbishment of the equipment of the Chair of Environmental Management of the Department of Geography (2010);
• Organization of “The Baikal Lake -Selenga” scientific expedition (2011).
For your reference
The Chair of Environmental Management of the Department of Geography of the Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov was set up in 1987. In was created and led (until 2011) by Andrei Kapitsa (1931-2011), a distinguished Russian geographer, honored scientist, doctor of geography, honored professor of the Moscow University, correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Science.
The graduates of the chair are geographers-ecologists, experts in environmental management, ecological monitoring and environmental protection working in scientific, educational fields and in applied sciences. They are leading Russian specialists in the field of analysis, feasibility and decision making in comprehensive evaluation and use of natural resources.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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