21日  9月  2011年
The head of METROPOL Group of Companies, the President of the Business Council for Cooperation with Vietnam, M.V. Slipenchuk attended the 10th session of the Russian-Vietnamese working group on interbank cooperation

The meeting was held in Moscow on 20 September in the Central Bank of Russian Federation. In his welcoming remarks, M.V. Slipenchuk on behalf of the Russian business community congratulated the head of the State Bank of Vietnam Mr. Nguyen Van Binh and Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Russian Federation V.N. Melnikov with the anniversary meeting of the Russian-Vietnamese working group on interbank cooperation, noting that, since its establishment in 2007, Russian-Vietnamese business council is a permanent member of the Working Group and it is actively involved in its meetings in Russia, and Vietnam. 
lso, M. Slipenchuk congratulated Mr. Nguyen Van Binh with his recent appointment as head of the State Bank of Vietnam, and the 60th anniversary of foundation of Vietnamese banking system.
During his speech, M.V. Slipenchuk informed the Russian and Vietnamese businessmen on the recent activities of the Business Council. In particular, he said:  "Currently, in addition to traditional areas of cooperation between our countries the cooperation in high technology areas is developing actively. Several Russian companies entering the market of Vietnam with 4G connection, broadband Internet, IT-banking products, systems of instant payments, etc. This is eloquently evidenced by the banking seminar organized by the Business Council in Hanoi in March 2011 for the company "Centre of Financial Technologies," to which the Vietnamese banks have shown great interest".
M.V. Slipenchuk also referred to the projects supported by the Business Council, which are implemented in line with key areas of the State Bank activity. Among them - the introduction of new banking technologies at the State Bank of Vietnam as well as at the other credit institutions of the country, as well as the introduction of payment systems in Vietnam.
M.V. Slipenchuk recommended the representatives of the Vietnamese banking community to pay attention to the company "Centre of Financial Technologies", present at the the meeting, which within the framework of Banking seminar in Hanoi held in March 2011 has proposed a number of banking products, the competitiveness and efficiency of which is at the same level as of Western counterparts, but their price is lower than those of the Western proposals. Also, to the company Qiwi - the leader of Russian market of payment systems, which is launching its pilot project in Vietnam. in order to develop this topic M.V. Slipenchuk has shared his own experience on attracting and introduction of advanced Japanese technologies in "Obibank", which is the part of METROPOL Group of Companies.
Also in his speech, M.V. Slipenchuk more extensively highlighted the theme of tourism from Russia to Vietnam, which raised the deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Russian Federation V.N. Melnikov. M.V. Slipenchuk talked about the  GC  project on establishing the special economic zone "Baikal Harbor", the multi-functional tourist complex, which is being implemented by METROPOL Group of Companies, and suggested that Vietnamese companies will consider participation, ensuring that the Business Council will provide their help in this regard. To familiarize with progress of the project on the site, M.V. Slipenchuk invited Mr. Binh and V.N. Melnikov to visit Lake Baikal in summer.
In conclusion, M. Slipenchuk introduced a new member of the Business Council - Industrial Association "Radio Plant named after A.S. Popov" and its Director General I.V. Polyakov. This company specializes in the implementation of modern communication and control systems, modernization and servicing of telecommunications equipment, mobile radio systems, digital communication systems, innovative solutions in the field of data transmission systems in the Russian ministries and departments.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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