22日  3月  2011年
Top executives of the METROPOL Group of Companies held talks in Moscow with the Serbian State Secretary for Tourism, Goran Petkovich.

Alexander Denisov - general director of the Putnik Company, Dushan Filippovich - director of Metropol Serbia, and Bair Tsyrenov - director for international & regional activities and public relations at the Metropol IFC took part at the meeting.

The parties expressed their willingness to cooperate and together address all issues. In particular, they discussed prospects for the development of the Serbian ski resort of Kopaonik, where the METROPOL Group of Companies owns the hotels Putnik and Club A.

"We had fruitful talks with Mr. Petkovich, we also set a date for a meeting in Belgrade, where we will further discuss our common agendas. Generally, we as the investor, would like not to merely invest money into our hotels, but we would like the government of Serbia to take care of the development of the Kopaonik Ski Resort - because to bring it to the level of European ski resorts is possible only with government support." According to Mr. Denisov, a very important task here is to solve the problems with the airline monopolies, in order to reduce tariffs for the travel of Russian tourists from Moscow to Kopaonik, since the price of a flight often exceeds the cost of the hotel stay.

In his turn, the Serbian State Secretary for Tourism, Mr. Goran Petkovich, said after the meeting in Moscow, "We discussed our cooperation and the opportunities for strengthening the presence of the METROPOL Group in Serbia. The development of Metropol’s hotels Club A and Putnik in Kopaonik is very important from the perspective of the resort, as well as for tourism in Serbia as a whole. We, on behalf of the Government of Serbia, promise the investor full support. We are also very proud that the Putnik brand will now be promoted in Siberia, on Lake Baikal.


Since 2007, the Putnik Travel and Tourism Company has been a member of the METROPOL Group of Companies, which is an international investment and industrial group with Russian capital.  (for more details on the Group of Companies, see

The Putnik Company manages the hotels Putnik and Club A at the Kopaonik Ski Resort, and the Tulip Inn Putnik Belgrade Hotel, which was opened after a complete renovation in November 2010.

In addition, the Putnik Siberia Company, as part of the METROPOL Group of Companies, is a resident of the “Baikal Harbor” Special Tourism and Recreational Economic Zone, located in the Republic of Buryatia.

The METROPOL Group of Companies plans to implement a large-scale development project in order to develop the “Baikal Harbor” Special Tourism and Recreational Economic Zone. In particular, in the Village of Turka on the shores of Lake Baikal, the company will build a conference center with a unique transforming stage that will host events of any topic and level and a marina with complete docking facilities, capable of accepting all existing and future types of vessels. on the waters of Lake Baikal. Also built will be the “Fishermen’s Village” with hotel rooms, exhibition spaces, objects of eco and agro tourism and shopping and entertainment facilities. There will be a world-class yacht club offering a full range of services in accordance with the generally accepted standards for yacht fleets, facilities improvement, including quays, recreation areas, a lighthouse, mini-gardens, as well as modern and environmentally safe engineering infrastructure.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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