17日  11月  2011年
IFC METROPOL organized the issue of bonds together with Gasprom Capital LLC

IFC METROPOL acted as a co-manager in the course of issue of two tranches of Eurobonds of Gasprom OJSC for the total sum of 1.6 bln USD. The first tranche for 1 bln. USD with repayment in May 2016 was allocated with the earning capacity of 4.95% per annum The second tranche for 600 mln USD with repayment in January 2021 was allocated with the earning capacity of 6.00% per annum
The issue was successfully completed in the morning of November 17, 2011. Gaz Capital S.A. (Luxemburg) acted as an issuer.
The sought earning capacity was originally set at the level of 5.125% for the tranche with repayment in 2016 and of 6.125% for the tranche with repayment in 2021, however, a considerable amount of repeat subscriptions made it possible to decrease it.
The transaction arose major interest of international investment community: the investors pool was represented by the companies from the USA, Europe, Russia, the Middle East and Asia.
The transaction was organized by BNP Paribas and JP Morgan, and IFC METROPOL acted as a co-manager. IFC METROPOL was in charge of attracting Russian investors and of keeping an applications register in Russia. The company acted in the same capacity in the course of placement of Gasprom Eurobonds (with the period of repayment in five years) for the sum of 1 bln. USD in November 2010.
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Gasprom OJSC is one of the biggest energy companies in the world. The main areas of its activity are geologic exploration, extraction, transportation, storage, processing and realization of carbohydrates, as well as production and sales of electrical and thermal energy.
Investment and Financial Company METROPOL was founded in 1995. In renders brokers services, participates in reorganization deals, sales and purchase transactions, carries out anti-crisis management of enterprises, renders the services of debt and share capital attraction, disposal of assets, financial and corporate consulting. The company is experienced in public (IPO, SPO) and closed securities placement.  National Rating Agency granted IFC METROPOL AAA individual credibility rating (maximal credibility).


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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The METROPOL Group of Companies
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