16日  3月  2004年
On March 16, 2004 IFC Metropol celebrates its birthday

On March 16, 2004 IFC Metropol celebrated its birthday. Nine years have passed since the moment when a group of like-minded people decided to create a successful company that will be the leader in the financial services market. The way towards the goal was thorny, but successful. Today IFC Metropol is a well-known investment company in Russia; its effectiveness is justified by its market position.

The company developed along with the entire sector. Therefore, the company had to work out its own rules, rather than comply with emerging rules and schemes. This came true thanks to the integrity and unity of the successful and talented managers who are working at the company and who are forming the image of the present IFC Metropol.

The company’s birthday is a memorable event. Since early morning clients and partners called us to give their congratulations, which are very important to us as we view each of them as an assessment of our work. At the press lunch journalists had a chance to ask IFC General Director Mikhail Slipenchuk and the company’s top-managers questions on previous work and future plans. We have achieved a lot during these years, but we are facing new tasks that are important to our clients, company and country.

We would like to thank all those people who have stayed with us all these years. They are our clients who trust us and whose expectations we are trying to meet. They are our partners, together we are laying down the foundation for the company’s future success. We are confidently looking into the future, and we thank you for staying with us.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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The METROPOL Group of Companies
Licensies: № 077-06136-100000, № 077-06159-010000, № 077-06168-001000 from 26 august 2003 year, № 077-06194-000100 from 02 september 2003 year, № 650 from 16 april 2004 year, № 3185 from 25 november 1999 year, № 21-000-1-00119 from 23 may 2003 year, № 077-07215-001000 from 9 december 2003 year