Mining and Metallurgical Holding

Responding to high demand for polymetallic ores in the Russian and international markets, the company is engaged in creation of a mining and metallurgical holding. The project presupposes exploration and development of the large-scale polymetals deposits, mining and processing plant and industrial infrastructure facilities construction, i.e. both mining and metals processing development.

The IFC METROPOL subsidiaries have won a number of tenders for the right to use the deposits subsoil in the Republic of Buryatia, which were held by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Buryatia.

Currently the IFC METROPOL creates a mining and metallurgical holding for the project realization. The company has already begun the work on feasibility study for a particular enterprises, ecological monitoring of deposits, and their preparation for development.  In prospects construction of mining and processing plants (GOK), development of a transport and power supply infrastructure is planned. The options of locating separate metallurgical productions close to GOK are under consideration.

The Project realization will essentially improve economic and investment climate in the region will foster the development of social sphere and will considerably increase the taxable base of the Republic of Buryatia. The project will allow to promote trade and economic cooperation with foreign countries, and first of all with the Peoples’ Republic of China and Japan.

For implementation of the mining and metallurgical program as a whole the management company “MBC Corporation” has been established which in the long term should become the largest in Russia vertically-integrated specialized holding.

Ozernoe Lead-Zinc Deposit

The Ozerninsky ore cluster is located in Yeravninsly district, 165 km from “Mogzon” railway station.

According to JORC the indicated resources of Ozernoe deposit polymetallic ores amount to 157 million tons with 5.2 % zinc  grade and 1 % lead grade. The gold resource potential totals to 25 tons, silver reserves amount to  4.5 thousand tons.

Kholodninskoe Lead-Zinc Deposit

Located in the North-Baikal district, 36 km from “Kholodny Razyezd” railway station (BAM).

Commercial reserves of Kholodninskoe deposit polymetallic ores  (approved by USSR GKZ Protocol Nr 10519 of 26 October 1988) total 334 mmt of ore of B and C1 categories: 2010 kt of lead, 13340 kt of  zinc; and 185 mmt of ore of  С2 category: 1350 kt of lead, 7860 kt of zinc.

The average grades of commercial components in the approved reserves: 3.99 % of zinc; 0.65 % of lead; 20.7 % of sulphur (pyritic). The ore also contains cadmium, indium, selenium, tellurium and silver (28 g/t). Primary ores make 90 % of reserves.

Nazarovsky gold-sulphide-zinc deposit

Located in Yeravninsky district, 4 km from Ozernoe deposit and 165 km from “Mogzon” railway station. Preliminary survey has been carried out at the deposit.

Inferred reserves/resources (by results of 2007-2009 geological exploration) total to 400 kt of zinc  under C1 and С2 category; silver – 300 tons under the same categories and about 10 t of gold.

The average grades of commercial components in the approved reserves: 7.86 % of zinc; 1.5 % of lead.

Yermakovsky beryllium deposit

Located in Kizhinginsky district, 46 km from “Bada” railway station of Transbaikalian railway. It is the largest beryllium deposit in Russia. The 1.4 mmt balance of deposit ore (С1+С2 categories with 1% grade) is on the State Reserves Committee’s balance sheet.

«Eng - Генетический код идентичен во всех живых объектах, изученных в настоящее время»
Eng - Ф. Крик, нобелевский лауреат 1962 г.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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The METROPOL Group of Companies
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